Nikolai Tjongarero
Founder at Easy Sats
OKIN is a Bitcoin Maxi, Digital Entrepreneur, Published Poet & Social Commentator born & raised in Windhoek, Namibia. He is also a Bitcoin Miner & runs multiple Bitcoin & Lightning Network Nodes.
He hosted the first African Podcast to be listed & streamed Bitcoin to via Podcasting 2.0, named #FromTheJump & he’s also the Chief Bitcoin Officer at both EasySats & Bitcoin Mining Namibia. He uses EasySats to spread Bitcoin Education & Adoption amongst his countrymen by publicly sharing his Proof-of-Work while engaging with mainstream media, politicians, businesses individuals about Bitcoin use-cases & attending sessions held by the Central Bank of Nambia.
More recently he was named the 10th Most influential African Bitcoiner of 2023; was a Speaker at Adopting Bitcoin (Cape Town, South Africa – January 2024) & hosted the 1st Trezor Academy Namibia educational session series (Held at CCHub Namibia – May 2024).
Bitcoin Education & Experimentation are some of his many passions.